Last night, somewhat bored, I put on some music in the basement, which, as it frequently does, inspired the girls to start dancing. Annika much prefers to dance with someone (me), holding hands and mostly jumping around the room. Abby was content to dance by herself, holding a Polly Pocket doll most of the time. Both girls like to watch their reflections on the dark TV screen. We also played steamroller during some of the songs. Abby wasn't quite so keen on getting steamrolled. Last night's playlist:
Roy Orbison - Oh Pretty Woman
The Beatles - Oh Darling, Hello Goodbye, and All You Need Is Love
The Traveling Wilbury's - Wilbury Twist
They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (twice - Annika really liked that one) and Particle Man
Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love, We Will Rock You (Abby started to get the lyrics to this one) and We Are the Champions
Fountains of Wayne - Mexican Wine (a perennial favorite) and Stacy's Mom
Annika went into ballerina mode during We Are the Champions, but it actually fits pretty well. I dipped her at the end of Istanbul, which she thought was great, so that's why we had to do it again. I do realize that it doesn't sound great that my 5-year-old likes a song called Mexican Wine, but...I don't have any good defense for it, either. It's a fun song.
Speaking of fun songs - the first few lines of the Wilbury Twist go as follows:
"Put your hand on your head (hand on your head)
Put your foot in the air (foot in the air)
Then you hop around the room (hop around the room)
In your underwear (in your underwear)"
Of course, Annika thinks this is hilarious, and every time I've played it I've had to stop her from following the directions word-for-word.
When it was all over, it was time for jammies. They were sweaty.