Sunday, October 08, 2006

Miscellaneous October Items

First off - go Tigers! After assuming all was lost last Sunday, it was joy to see the party that was Comerica Park yesterday after the Tigers offed the Yankees, the most vile of all baseball teams. Last week it seemed like a nightmare for the Tigers to lose their division and end up facing the Yankees. However, I couldn't script anything better for the Tigers to dump the Evil Empire in Detroit and then watch the whole park celebrate. Here's hoping the next series goes this well...

Abby's speech and vocabulary continues to expand. She occasionally declares things to be "awesome," which comes from her sister's influence. The other day, while wearing a long-sleeve onesie and overalls, she also had on a dress-up skirt and two dress-up shirts, and then would throw her arms in the air and declare "Beautiful!"

Tonight Annika offered to pray before supper and promptly thanked God for skunks, tigers, birds, cats, dogs, horses, cows, and most of all, people. No mention of the scrambled eggs we were about to eat.

I missed some of the Tigers game the other day because the house three lots down from us had a fire in the basement, which brought around about nine firetrucks, water trucks, ambulances, and police cruisers, along with firefighters, many of which are volunteer. No one was hurt and the outside of the house shows little damage, but apparently it's not livable. Quite the excitement for Dairy Lane. I rode my bike over and watched for a little bit, and had a conversation with some neighbors that had recently put their dog down. I'm still not used to country-style animal care, which usually involves guns.

That's the latest here! Yeee-haaa!

1 comment:

Dan said...

Last night, I saw Tiger's baseball on TV in Lexington for the first time ever!