Friday, November 17, 2006

Brithday News

Indeed, yesterday was my birthday (or, as us Dekker boys know it, "brithday" (thank you, Chris Buchholz)). It's good to be prime again (31). As birthdays go, it was ridiculously full: wake up; open a couple presents from my wife and girls; put everyone in the van; bring Abby to Diane's; go with Lisa and Annika to Lisa's ultrasound, where the gender of our third child is determined (more on that later); meet Diane at her Mom's house to pick up Abby; rush home; eat lunch; head up to Ferris; attend 2 meetings and finish preparing a calculus exam; proctor said exam to 145 students; create a grading rubric with the other calculus profs; get home right before 10pm; hug Mom, who is watching the girls since Lisa had conferences; eat chocolate angel strata; read a few pages in a book; go to sleep.

For the biggest news of the day: if you don't want to know the gender of our next child, do not read the rest of this post below. We only told a few people yesterday, and if this is the first you're hearing of it, I'm sorry, but I wanted to post this before I go away this weekend (and more on that later). So, here goes (SPOILER ALERT):








(last chance not to look!)


It was quite obvious on the ultrasound, and I identified the appropriate part before the technician said anything. Annika was hoping for a boy and thus was quite pleased, as was everyone else that we told. And more importantly, HE looks completely healthy and well-nourished, so it was a great day babywise.

And tomorrow morning we leave for one of the biggest college football games ever: Michigan vs. Ohio State, #1 vs. #2 (that's a little bold, but maybe not - it's certainly one of the most-hyped regular season games of all time). I hope the game lives up to the hype. I'm not sure who I want to win, but it would be fun to run on the field if OSU prevails.

Go Bucks/Wolverines! (and go Irish, but they better just pound Army)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mike and Lisa!!!
I am so happy for you.

Mike you made me really miss my brother with your comment about him. It is still hard to believe that he has lived in Germany for over a year.

I hope all continues to go well for all of you.


Mike said...

In case you wanted to know: my brother Dan and Chris Buchholz, who lived next door, were in the same grade and Chris came over for Dan's birthday party one year. His card or gift said "Happy Brithday" on it, and it's never left Dekker lore...

Nick said...


Oh, yeah, happy brithday and congrats on the boy and all that, too.

Young Adults said...

I KNEW it!!! I just knew it was going to be a boy! I told you I had a feeling.

I found a really cool website for baby names when we were trying to pick a puppy name. It's the goverment's Social Security website. You can look up the most popular names by year, state, etc.

Can't wait to see all of you this Thursday!

Dan said...

A boy! That was the LAST thing I expected!