Saturday, December 09, 2006

Mischief Managed

Abby frequently makes good use of the bathroom stool to reach light switches and items on the counter. In the picture above, she's placed the stool on the couch and used it to step up on the couch cushion, which she's crushing with her weight. Oh, and that's a weird dress-up shirt, a floofy skirt, and a winter hat on her head. It was one of those "What's Abby doing? I can't hear her anymore" moments. At least it's all in the name of getting closer to Baby Jesus.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Not to compare my dog to your daughter, but... we've had many of those "I can't hear Maeby, what's she up to?" moments ourselves. Unfortunately, it's not with the noble intention of getting closer to baby Jesus. Instead, it's standing on the arms of the couch to get closer to Christmas tree ornaments, so she can pull them down and chew 'em.