Saturday, April 14, 2007

I Profess My Love For...

As of late, like I've said previously, life has been sheer chaos - I'm recovering from my surgery, our house is in perpetual disarray, we're all adjusting to life with a son and brother (Abby is taking steps backwards in the world of potty-training), Jake had his worst night last night, resulting in little sleep for Lisa and me, and then today was Annika's birthday, which involved Chuck E. Cheese (a blackhole of chaos).

Parenthetically: Annika pulled one of the biggest stunts ever, today, on her birthday. We were busy dealing with multiple things upstairs, including trying to figure out something to do for Annika's birthday. At one point she was in the basement trying to feed cat food directly to Tate (the cat). Later, Lisa's grandma called to wish Annika a happy birthday, and when I went to the basement to give her the phone, I found every square inch of the basement, including couches and ledges, coated in cat food. Annika had taken it upon herself to evenly distribute cat food all over the place, to the point that you couldn't walk around without stepping on it. Needless to say, we were totally floored, and underwent a long cleanup process. End parenthesis.

Halting the complain-o-rama, here's where I profess my love, for . . . radio static. I'm generally pretty worthless when dealing with babies after bedtime, because working for 30 minutes to get the kid to sleep alone for 8 minutes reeeeeallllllly aggravates me when I should be sleeping. But, in a small moment of determination, I decided to take Jake at 10pm and let Lisa go to sleep for some period of time, in hopes that I could at least last until 11pm. Jake was OK for about 5 minutes, and then started the "I'm gonna be crabby for undistinguishable reasons" routine, so I fell back to an old gimmick that I used with Abby a lot: turn the stereo to 87.5 FM and crank up the static. The result was almost instantaneous relaxation on Jake's part, followed by some snoozy snoozin', while I watched TV with the volume up just enough to hear over the static. More than two hours later, he's in bed, and I haven't heard him stir yet. Most importantly, I made it through some time late in the day with my son without resenting him or myself, and that feels like a lottery win for me right now. Now it's 12:18am and I'm going to bed. PEACE OUT!


Rebecca said...

Hopefully the baby blues will be over soon!

Your blog is a great form of birth control for everyone who reads it. Hopefully when the adjustment period is over you will have only positive things to say...only then can you hope for future cousins for your kids to be bosses over!

We'll be praying for you guys, that the adjustment starts becoming smoother. I know this is a tough time, but you will get through it.

Parker said...

Hi Mike,

I know just how you feel. Parker is six weeks old and still doesn't like sleeping at night. He can be sound a sleep in my arms. I lay him down and he starts to scream.

However, I would rather hold him crying and be at work right now with my crabby students.

I think that I will be running on very little sleep the rest of the school year.

We will have to introduce our little boys to each other. The next generation keeps growing.

Tell Lisa to enjoy all her time off. I still wish I was off.