Sunday, December 16, 2007

Every Kiss Begins With [barrrffff]

Christmas brings out many types of commercials, but the jewelry commercials are by far the most nauseating to me. What bothers me the most is that they all feature some cutesy way for the man to present his woman with the gift:
  • Immediately following the breaking of the wishbone, as he "grants her wish"
  • Holding up the bag from the store to stop a snowball fight
  • Hanging it on a tree at the tree-selling lot
  • Putting it around her neck while she sleeps
  • As part of a yucky version of "Twas the Night Before Christmas"
I'm sure I'm missing some...

Every commercial seems to indicate that he has fulfilled her ultimate wish, which makes her look shallow and superficial, like a raccoon that's in love with sparkly objects. I bet he's just trying to placate her with money instead of time or affection so he can go play golf each weekend. I mean, really, ladies, if your significant other spent $1000 on jewelry for Christmas, would you like it or think he's a doofus for spending that much money on a bunch of rocks? can only be JAR-ed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rebecca said...

This post doesn't score you very many points on the romance factor!! I could care less about jewelry. In fact, I hate most jewelry. But the commercials are very romantic. It brings back memories of being proposed to. The marketing guys that wrote this commercial know what touches girls' hearts.
Girls, do you agree with me?

Lisa said...

Sorry Rebecca, I can't say I'm very impressed by them. Luckily for Mike, I'm with him on this one. I like romance, I just can't get into the sappy commercials. They seem way to "put on" for me.