Thursday, August 07, 2008

26 Days Until School

Well, I utterly missed July, so here's my attempt to post something before Jake wakes up.

I went to MathFest 2008 in Madison, Wisconsin last week, which is a really cool city. I had never been there, but for four days the weather was great, my hotel was across from the state capital, and downtown was (and is) located between two huge lakes: Mendota and Monona. You immediately notice all the bikers when you hit the city, as well. If I was forced at gunpoint to pick a place to live other than Michigan, Madison might not be a bad choice. I'm sure the snow is no less than what we see here, however.

Lisa heads to San Antonio today, so I'll be a single parent until Monday morning. As a result, our current Netflix movies are Mike-oriented. On deck: Shaun of the Dead, and Grindhouse: Planet Terror. I'm sure the girls would love to watch them with me (of COURSE, I'm kidding).

The Tigers are fading from the playoff race, so I'll probably be reduced to hoping that the Yankees miss the playoffs, something interesting happens with the Cubs, and the playoffs in general are exciting. If all of that disappoints me, four days after school starts, Notre Dame football starts, so there are things to look forward to.

While I'll miss the summer, the thought of doing math and teaching does sound appealing, too. I could pass on the commuting, but with some well-planned carpooling, that should be OK too.

It's 9:15am, and Jake's still sleeping!

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