Thursday, March 20, 2008


Of course, KBS stands for Kentucky Breakfast Stout. Friday night, as planned, Nick, Dad, Kevin and I went to Founders, but only after we fed ourselves at Yesterdog (Kevin's first time). It was busy, but we got a table, each had a couple delicious beers, and munched on some peanuts. Later that night, after rejoining the ladies, some of us watched Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom (on VHS!) to get ready for the fourth Indy movie in May.

On Saturday, Nick and I headed back, after the 11am start time for the sale of this year's batch of KBS, the beer currently rated as the 6th best beer in the world by (Nick and I are both members). It wasn't very busy and we both ordered some KBS and sat down to enjoy it. We each got the official KBS goblet to take home, too. In the end, we bought a case (24 bottles) of it to split:

I have yet to try one of my bottles, but the sampling we had at Founders was as glorious as ever. At $4.75 a bottle, it's expensive (I'll let you do the math for a case of it), but that's equivalent to a $20 bottle of wine, which some people don't blink an eye at. Either way, it'll be a while before I spend big money on beer again.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Yeah, that was a pretty big purchase, although totally worth. I drank one of my bottles already, and I had to tuck the rest away downstairs to keep from eyeing them all the time. This batch is pretty good, I'd say! Curious to see how it ages.

And let's plan on next year, too, please.