Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Blizzard of 2007

Well, that's the heading I saw on the news this morning. We got lotsa snow the past few days, and the thermometer read -5 when we got up this morning. There were reports of at least half a dozen pileups on the highway involving 20 cars or more. Overall, the timing was pretty decent for us - a Saturday and Sunday, so work schedules weren't ruined and I didn't have to decide whether or not to take "the drive" up to Ferris. It does come on the heels of a week-long illness for Annika, who has finally gone back to normal today. She should be ready for school tomorrow. Lisa was home Thursday and I stayed home of Friday, so the girls haven't even gone outside since Wednesday. Neither has our minivan. We couldn't go sledding, but I am hoping for a good sledding opportunity before winter's over, since Annika is starting to enjoy it more this year.

Abby said "Holy cow" the other day, out of nowhere, and having indoctrinated her with Finding Nemo, has been saying "DoyaDoYaDOYA?" too. It's funny. Oh, and she likes to sort her food - see below. She does it with Froot Loops too.

1 comment:

Young Adults said...

I hope you're finding some way to stay warm..brr!! It snowed 1 inch last night here, and school was closed this morning.