Saturday, January 27, 2007

January's Latest

Above, see Annika and Abby pouting together since I wasn't going to let them want any of the funny parts from Finding Nemo, like we did the night before.
Pretty soon after school started again in January, we made huge strides in potty-training Abby, with the help of our daycare provider, too. We're pretty much done with diapers, except at night, but even then she wakes up dry about half the time. It's hardly been perfected (three accidents before lunch today), but given that we weren't pushing it much before, she's doing great.
Annika's still doing well in kindergarten; Millbrook and Ferris are fine for Lisa and me, respectively.
No bites on the house this week. It's kind of weird to know this huge change is probably coming up before next fall, but we just don't know when for sure.
Just over two months until baby 3.
Lisa made some spectacular chocolate chip cookies the other day.
Abby finally seems to be healthy, after nearly two months of a cold, multiple doctor's visits and antibiotics, and then an eyelash stuck in her eye this past week that actually resulted in a trip to Urgent Care to get it out. Sheesh.
Mostly, life's just goin' on. And can't think of anything witty to end with.

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