What does a trick-or-treater and the skin of a hot dog have in common?
They're both hollow weiners.
Ha! I made that up myself back in college. I swear I've read it in print since then.
Tonight is a much-anticipated night (at least for Annika). The girls have matching lady-bug costumes. I'll try to put up a picture soon.
Well, the World Series ended sourly last Friday. It was pretty disappointing to watch the Tigers essentially give it away - 5 errors in 5 games by the pitchers. One of my colleagues mentioned that his TV was lucky that he wasn't wearing shoes when the 4th error occurred in game 4. Last year, when the Tigers were finishing up another losing season, I wondered whether I would get all wrapped up in a successful season or not, like I have recently with Notre Dame football and in hoping the Yankees would lose. Heck, the Tigers hadn't played a postseason game since I was in 6th grade. Despite the miserable conclusion to this season, I was glad that it hurt - I was disappointed and mad and somewhat crabby (just ask Lisa) when they just tanked in the last few games. Baseball is my favorite of the major sports, as it has been since 1st grade or so - I like the uniqueness of the ballparks, the history of the game, and the glut of statistics. I've always enjoyed chasing down a pop fly. That said, it bothers me (playing the Tigers or not) that the World Series champion barely won more than half of their regular season games. The Cardinals had the13th best record in baseball, but they made it to the playoffs and won the World Series. I know there are more important things to care about in the world, but...there it is. Play ball!
13 years ago