OK, I think I'm officially giving up. I'm not motivated to update this blog, and everyone interacts so much through Facebook now that I'm even less inclined to put time into this. It's weird, with the proliferation of blogs, that it almost feels like the events of my life or all my important thoughts about sports don't actually occur if I don't blog about them. Despite that, I don't care enough to spend time writing a blog. By the time the kids get to bed each night I'm much more interested in playing some video games, watching something decent on TV, reading a book, drinking a fine beer or doing school work than investing time in writing a decent blog post, which tends to just sound like work. I'll just rely on Facebook status updates to spread my good word instead.
The family blog still lives, of course, and I'm certain it will get updated as the kids keep doing ridiculous things.
So, I think I'll leave this as the last blog post, but I won't shut down the blog, so it will just be one of those dead websites, like the personal part of my homepage (as opposed to the work part (link at right)).
Smell you later!
13 years ago